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hypnotherapy by elissa

My Story

If you asked me at 16 what I wanted to be, I would have said, a mother and possibly a hairdresser. In those days, teachers didn’t know about positive and negative conditioning; they told me I couldn’t achieve and I accepted their negative suggestions, believing I wasn’t clever.

Fast forward 20 years, and I had the opportunity to go to a group meeting about hypnotherapy, taking my first steps in overcoming my fear of sickness! The most important lesson I learnt was: hypnotherapy can change your mindset and change your life, but it only works if you want it to. I was so inspired that I went on to study hypnotherapy with Dr John Butler of the Hypnotherapy Training International School.

Feeling empowered and ready to help children and adults, I set up my own practice. Over the years, I have helped people overcome fears and phobias, face anxieties, help with weight loss, give up smoking and bad habits, work through school and university transitions, build confidence, etc – the list is endless.

A year later, I reflected on the work I had achieved: I really believed in myself and was beyond proud as my name was flying around, my phone was ringing; 40 years old and suddenly I was everything the teachers had said I wasn’t – I had learned, studied, taken and passed exams, but more importantly I was using what I had learnt from Dr John Butler and people were learning from me. I then went on to train in Mindfulness and Life Coaching.

So, I guess the message is that I am proof – blow away the negative, breathe in the positive, if you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything. The sky’s the limit.

Face it! Achieve it! Let me show you how!


What is Hypnotherapy?

There are just 4 simple steps to help you on your journey.


Hypnotherapy is a relaxing therapy proven to help people of all ages. When you are in hypnosis you have wonderful feelings of relaxation, that together with my help, will begin to change your life.

Relax your mind with Hypnotherapy by Elissa in Hertfordshire

Look Forward

Using your imagination and my positive suggestions, together we re-train the subconscious mind. Unlike other therapies that go over the past, hypnotherapy looks into the future to reach your goals.

Change your life with Hypnotherapy by Elissa


During hypnosis, your body relaxes and your thoughts become more focused; you are still in control but responsive to positive suggestions, changing the negative mindset that has collected throughout your life.

Look Forward to change with Hypnotherapy by Elissa


Hypnotherapy is a joint relationship. You have to be prepared to work outside your comfort zone.  I will give you my everything in return for your commitment to achieve your goal.

Free yourself from anxieties with Hypnotherapy by Elissa

How Can I Help?

This short video could change your life.


My job is to re-programme your subconscious mind for all types of issues, habits, phobias, anxieties etc. This is created through relaxation, my positive suggestions and your imagination. So with your motivation, and my professional input, together we can change your life.



See what my lovely customers have to say about the benefits of Hypnotherapy.
Thank You Neon Light for Being a Customer of Hypnotherapy by Elissa


Most frequent questions and answers
  • * After a free telephone consultation, we will both agree if this is the right therapy for you.
  • * You will come to my calm, safe, therapy room, we will talk about you and what goals you want to reach.
  • * We will make a plan, tailoring your needs, with my professional input using Life Coaching and Mindfulness techniques.
  • * I will explain and answer any questions you may have that we didn’t cover during the initial telephone conversation.
  • * Using my voice, music and your willingness you will feel the power of positive suggestion and hypnosis.
  • * We close the session, feeling relaxed, in control and ready to start the first day of the rest of your life.
  • * You will leave with a positive mind and an outline of what to expect at the next session and focused on making the right steps towards your goal.

It’s always hard to give a time, it can be anything from 4-10 sessions, depending on your mindset and how well you embrace the suggestions and tools I give you. However, by session 2 you will start to notice a difference.

Hypnosis can help you!

Hypnosis is for everyone who wants to achieve their goal. From 5 years.

* Boost your confidence ✔️
* Build your self esteem ✔️
* Let go of emotional baggage✔️
* Learn how to work through stressful situations ✔️
* Use my tools and techniques to deal with panic attacks✔️
* Learn how to overcome anxiety ✔️
* Understand and work through depression ✔️
* Become a non-smoker✔️
* Transition to new schools/university✔️
* Exam stress✔️
* Overcome fears and phobias✔️
* Deal with weight✔️
* Sleep at night✔️
* Stay at sleepovers and school trips✔️
* Dry beds✔️
and more!



Please see below for current pricing:


first session

  • FREE Phone Consultation
  • £80 Follow up Sessions
Session Saver


5 follow up

  • Advance Payment
  • Save on Follow up Sessions
Specialist Packages


first session

  • Weight Loss Programme OR
  • Give up Smoking

Hypnotherapy is:  NOT magic, NOT an easy fix, AND NOT a one-way therapy. Hypnotherapy is a joint relationship. You have to be prepared to work outside your comfort zone.  I will give you my everything in return for your commitment to achieve your goal.


Get in Touch

Don't hesitate, get in touch today

    Still unsure?

    Visiting this site normally means you need some form of help or guidance? Admitting this is the hardest part, all you have to do now is contact me by phone, text or through my contact form above and I will give you my everything to help you reach your goal.

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